Yin Yang Meaning and effect In a nutshell, the Chinese Yin Yang symbol represents a perfect balance. Apparently the whole Chinese philosophy is based on the concept of Yin and Yang - opposites, interaction and supposedly the seed of all things. For example, the...
Where can you buy energy art?
Where can you buy energy art and how should you proceed Now that you have finally landed here I would like to introduce you to the advantages of our energy art. Basically you can say that we here at energyart.org always pay attention to quality. In addition, we really...
Healing with Symbols
Where does the power of symbols come from? Today I would like to talk about the New Homeopathy and healing with symbols, because we use many of these symbols for our energy pictures as well. The New Homeopathy has its origin in sacred geometry. However, the symbols...
Spiral Symbol Meaning
Symbolic meaning Spiral Perhaps the appearance that characterizes Celtic symbolism is mainly the multitude of spirals that adorn older artifacts. In Celtic art and symbolism, we can guess some meanings from the existing spirals ... In terms of spirituality, the spiral...
The connection between mandalas and sacred geometry
Why do mandalas have such a calming and centering effect on us when coloring in and designing? Because they contain elements from sacred geometry… Sacred geometry = harmonious (whole) dimension of the earth Sacred geometry shows us the harmonic energy patterns...